Archive for December, 2009

Welcome to the Diamond District

Posted: December 6, 2009 by hazy23 in Music

I asked many people if they have heard or XO, Oddisee, and YU and I get nothing but screw faces. With that being said its fair to say that most people haven’t heard of Diamond District. Well let me be your introduction, they are from the DMV, they are underground, they make good quality music. I don’t wanna give too much away but the production sounds like something reminiscent of Dilla (OH EM GEE) or 9th wonder in the 90s, all three artists have been grinding for a minute so I don’t need to speak on the lyrics. If you want to support the hardworking underdogs who keep rhyming in the city with NO LOVE go pick up “In The Ruff” if you are stuck in mainstream zombie world this IS NOT I REPEAT IS NOT FOR YOU – Kendell

Here goes a couple previews of what they bring to the table

First of the month

Posted: December 1, 2009 by VZNMILL in Uncategorized
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This is the Flashback of the week…